Monday, June 30, 2008

Carne Carne Carne

It's difficult not to like the food here given how deliciously deep fried everything is but I sometimes wonder how there are people who haven't had heart attacks yet on this diet of meat, grease, and arepa. Nowhere else will you find deep fried steak served with sausage and fried plantain.

I never get to use all these vegetable names I memorized while studying vocabulary. The only vegetable I ever see is the potato, which of course is fried. Sometimes they have salads but they are usually pathetic. The first one I saw here was just onions with some lettuce and a few slices of cucumber, topped with tiny french fries.

Here's a picture of a dish Teresa described as "muy típico." It's a heaping plate of various types of meat with a couple of small fried potatoes and arepas thrown in for good measure. Underneath it all there's a little bit of popcorn too.


JEFF said...

That looks like blood sausage. Did they mention that?

William said...

Yeah, actually, I think they might've.

Unknown said...

How much of that did you manage to eat? Are you carrying around a supply of multi-vitamins? In Indonesia, they were very big on vegetables and fish which was great, but they also had a real fondness for organ meat which I can not stomach. The main specialty in our area was called Coto Makassar, a soup made from beef (goat, buffalo, something non-chicken) organs that had a smell and texture that I could not appreciate.

William said...

I powered through about a third of it and no, but I probably ought to. Yeah, organ meat is definitely a rough time for the culinary adventurer.