Thursday, July 3, 2008


I needed to see the nightlife here in Bogotá so met up with some people from couchsurfing. It turned out to be Silke's birthday, a German couchsurfer in town for the week (she's the one with the cake). After singing Happy Birthday to her in both English and Spanish we went clubbing in La Candelaria.

I compulsively my pockets to make sure I have my everything so it didn't take long after we got to the club for me to realize something had gone missing. This same thing happened last year. Why do I bother having a cell phone? It never works anyway, it's just one more thing for people to steal. It's true the dance floor was crowded but I'm still impressed they got it out of my FRONT pocket without me noticing.

1 comment:

JEFF said...

Bummer about the phone but it's not at all essential.