Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Cell Payphones

In Medellín sometimes I see people with cell phones chained to their clothing and signs advertising how much they charge to let you use them. Some of them even have sandwich board signs and vests that look like burlap sacks with tons of pockets tailored to the exact dimensions of a cell phone. They walk around the city looking for people who might need to make a call. This vendedór apparently decided the best place to lend out his mobile phones was next to a bunch of stationary phones.


JEFF said...

looking at these pictures I get the sense that the standard of living has risen quite a lot since I was there. The buses and taxis look pretty spiffy. Not so before.

William said...

Bear in mind I´m not hanging out much in the poorer areas. The standard of living is pretty much western for the extremely wealthy but there are shantytowns all over the hillsides.