Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Feria Internacional

San Salvador's international fair is nothing to shake a stick at. I was surprised but they've got the works, from fantastic and overpriced fair food to terrible cheesy looking rides. They even had a marching band accompanied by baton twirling models which navigated its way throughout the entire fairground.

However there were definitely some notable differences between this and the fairs I've been to back home, and not just because they've got delicious churros instead of that funnel cake cardboard I'm used to. For example, why are these people dressed up as crazy monsters and dancing terribly? They weren't even that bad compared to the marauding clowns who appeared to be random strangers with no apparent clown training, trying to hustle people into artisan shops. Also, why is there a boxing ring in the middle of a furniture store with a singer accompanied by two scantily clad women and a giant inflatable-chicken-suited man?

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