Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Indigenous Rock Carvings (not as boring as it sounds, I promise)

So remember how those native tribes from Mexico came down seeking prophesied twin mountains rising up out of a freshwater sea? Well there's proof they actually came because they left these great big depictions of deities carved out of rock on the more than four hundred islands that sprinkle Lake Nicaragua. Some of them are pretty menacing, like this one, nicknamed Diablo, although I'm not sure by whom. Its face is contorted and it looks almost in pain. It stood out because the other figures had animals on their heads or animals instead of heads. There was one that just had no head at all, but all of them had something going on with the noggin. Wonder if that's like a thing.

But these tribes didn't just have cool statues, they also had sweet kiddie fair rides like this big pole that they tied themselves to and then spun so they'd swing around a lot. The museum came up with a pretty hilarous replica complete with flight deity at the top of the stick. They also had a replica of a gigantic teeter totter which, of course, must have had great religious significance. My favorite part was the unlikely poses of all of the mannequins. It looked like they had been taken from a diorama depicting an entirely different activity, like farming or something, and then had been attached to these unweildy model religious machines, still trying to continue tilling or whatever they had been up to.

1 comment:

DF said...

*pole not poll (spelling). Liked the post tho!!