Wednesday, July 30, 2008


There's a nifty artesan town on the way from Grenada to Managua, so I decided to stop for a night and check it out. There are several different markets to check out, plus districts where you can actually see the artisans making their wares. This is el mercado nuevo (the new market) where I picked up a new pair of sandals. I'm debating about whether or not to buy a hammock here. They're cheap and good quality and the money goes straight to real people rather than to WalMart but as much as I am head over heels in love with hammocks I really don't know where I'd put it.


adrianne said...

estas buscando por un regalo para mi, verdad?

William said...

¿Tendrás un lugar para pegar una hamaca?

adrianne said...

desafortunadamente, no tengo un lugar ahora y no se si lo teneria en el futuro.

Unknown said...

whenever the question is "do i buy a hammock or not?" the answer is YES.

Anonymous said...

Estoy de acuerdo... la respuesta es que sí debes comprarla. Aunque es un poco tarde porque seguro estás lejos del "mercado nuevo".