Thursday, June 26, 2008

Cerro De Monserrate

There's a famous church called Monseratte at the top of a big cerro (that means hill) overlooking Bogotá. It's a mecca for Catholic pilgrims on Sundays but it seems to be a mecca for tourists the rest of the time---I actually spotted a quite number of other gringos. It is reached by yet another cable car but they call it a teleférico though instead of a metrocable like the one in Medellín. Incidentally, the metrocable is used to reach a library at the top of either a colima or a loma, I can't remember which (it's the Andes, they have a lot of words for hill).

The building is about 2500 ft above the city and the view is spectacular. It's also surrounded by cheerful flower gardens, which have less cheerful statues of Christ in various stages of crucifixion. That's the church's theme, El Señor Caído, the Fallen Christ. Someone translated it as the falling man which for some reason made me think of It's Raining Men by The Weather Girls.

1 comment:

adrianne said...

you are all about some high up places.