Thursday, June 26, 2008

A Fuente-Free City

If Medellín is the land of fountains, then Bogotá is the land of stagnant pools of murk. I don't know what brilliant engineer forgot to install plumbing in these things, but they're all over downtown. The water is brownish, frequently with garbage floating in it, and sometimes it smells. Don't get me wrong though, there are things I like better about Bogotá too. For example the public transporation here blows Medellín right out of its clean, flowing, non-stinky water.


JEFF said...

The place looks kind of cloudy and gloomy - is it? And what's so great about the transport?

William said...

Yes, it is cloudy and gloomy fairly frequently because it's the rainy season. As for the transport, I'll try to post about the Transmilenio.