Monday, June 23, 2008

More Rocks

I went on a day trip to go rock climbing with Carlos, Olga, and three of their climbing pals. There's a really popular place an hour outside Bogotá called Suesca, but I think the area might be primarily for mining. I heard there was a concrete factory nearby and we were climbing what looked like granite. Plus we walked along railroad tracks to get to the site and I saw chunks of rock scattered along them the way you see chunks of coal on Virginia tracks.

Anyway, it was my first time rock climbing outdoors and I had a good time, although I wish my Spanish had been better (the karaoke-alcohol effect wore off pretty quickly). I'm not so hot with imperatives and prepositions, and if you've ever been rock climbing you know how people like to shout advice at you. Move your foot left! Grab that upper hold! Switch your feet!

This is actually a picture of Julio, one of the other climbers. He was doing really well on probably the hardest route we had while I took this picture. Then he took a fall and almost hit the ground. Then someone almost grabbed a gigantic spider hiding behind a hold. Then we saw somebody being carried away on a stretcher. Then I decided to stop climbing.


adrianne said...


Unknown said...

Wow, that is so brave, Given my fear of heights, I'm relieved to hear you stopped. I am really enjoying reading about your adventures! Stay safe.
Aunt Linda