Saturday, June 28, 2008

No Niños

I finally made it to the Jardín Botánico were I was planning to practice my plant vocab and was rather disappointed to find the place completely overrun with children. Now I don't mean to be a grinch, and I probably should've expected a botanical garden to be mainly a place of niños, but still, nothing ruins a nice stroll through the park like the banshee screams of a thousand tiny goblins tearing up the flora with their snotty little claws.

It was a drizzly day anyway so after I got a solid picture or two I left for the cine-dome at Maloka to catch a 3D movie. It was also overrun with children, and they were no less rambunctious than the ones at the gardens, so I left early with a headache for the most kid-unfriendly place imaginable: the liberal thespian troupe Teatro Libre's Colombian stage adaptation of Dostoevsky's classic The Brothers Karamazov. Booyah. It was in Spanish so I understood less than 10% of the dialogue but at least there were NO NIÑOS.


adrianne said...

do you ever make jokes in spanish? do people make the kind of jokes where it's funny because it rhymes?

William said...

I can't make good jokes yet, but I try. Actually rhyming expressions are more common in Spanish than in English, probably because it's easier to make them.