Sunday, July 6, 2008

Colombian Dancing

I met up with Rosa and a group of her friends to do some more clubbing and accidentally got sloshed on aguardiente. Aguardiente is a sugary, anise flavored liqueur and I found out a little too late it's the most potent liqueur I've ever encountered (around 55 proof I think). I'm pretty sure it helped my dancing though, I asked the girls for some lessons and apparently wasn't bad. Colombian dancing is a lot like frotteurism. You straddle your partner's thigh so your crotch is like right up in their business, then you sort of gyrate your hips in a manner which all too closely resembles dry humping.


JEFF said...

And the taste of aguardiente? Did you like it?

DF said...

i just called your cel , well i guess it's not yours anymore. anyway, it rang, and no one answered.

frotteurism. never new that was a word.

adrianne said...

los colombianos les gustan tu barba grande?

William said...

For an incredibly cheap buzz, aguardiente is entirely bearable, but I would never pick it over a real liquor.

I cancelled the sim card, that's odd that it's ringing, but I'm glad someone else has to look up some new vocab. Seems like that's all I do these days.

Los colombianos odian mi barba; dicen que la persona que no cuida la barba no cuida sí mismo.

Unknown said...

We need to get you some "99 Bananas"--
99 proof banana schnapps... mainly so we can make a youtube video with your rapping to some altered Jay-Z lyrics.