Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Instrumentos de Tortura

Apparently the Inquisition had some dealings in Latin America as well as in Europe because there's a museum here in Cartagena about it and the instruments of torture they used. It's really quite a gruesome part of history. The nails in is collar were actually bolted all the way to the bone, which surprisingly is not immediately fatal.

All the dislays had little labels with descriptions and notes translating to "this instrument was not used in Cartagena" or something like that and at first I wondered if the Inquisition used any equipment here, but now I think what they mean is that the ones on display were from other cities. The realization that this thing was actually used to slowly crush people's heads was not a pleasant one and it's safe to say this place is not one of my favorite museums.


DF said...

(this is me being speechless)

Anonymous said...

Hola William -
Tried posting before but managed to screw it up. Had to try again: "South for the Summer" is a first rate, professional caliber travelogue, and you don't even have a photographer with you If the old "Life Magazine" were still around, they would hire you in a hearbeat. Keep it comin'!
---UncleA from Merryland